6 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
Your baby’s growth is in overdrive right about now. So many exciting developments in such a tiny little being!
Baby development at 6 weeks pregnant
Guess what? Your baby is now starting to develop skin! Plus, amazingly all the other organs while still tiny, are already in place. Optic nerves are developing and their head is now well formed, though still much larger than the rest of the body. The heart and liver are taking up a lot of room now. Arms and legs are lengthening, and the little ‘tail' will soon disappear. In the next couple of weeks, ‘webbed’ hands and feet will make room for proper, well separated fingers and toes. What a busy time!
Week 6 of pregnancy video
The foetus at 6 weeks is around the size of a lentil and is busy forming their skin and a two-chambered heart. Your baby now has the early forms of their arms and legs.
Your body at 6 weeks pregnant
You are well on your way, with your baby due in around 33 weeks. Many women have to shift down a gear around this time. Some of the less-than-pleasant side effects of pregnancy might be rearing their heads, such as the much talked-about nausea from morning sickness, sleeping problems, and mood changes which can arise because of hormonal changes in your body.
Still, don’t push yourself too much right now. Being pregnant may not be an illness, but there is still a strain on your body. When possible, take an extra break here or there.
Nutrition at 6 weeks pregnant
Iodine is an essential trace element, and during pregnancy your iodine requirements increase. Iodine deficiency can have negative consequences on an unborn child so it's important you're meeting your body’s needs, and your unborn child’s needs through diet and supplementation. You can get iodine in your diet from:
- Seafood
- Dairy products
- Iodised salt instead of regular table salt
Check with your health care professional if iodine is a nutrient of concern in your case.
Tips at 6 weeks pregnant
Been wondering if you can or should stay physically active during pregnancy? The short answer is yes! If you've already been running regularly, chances are great you can continue as long as you feel good while doing it. Of course, speak to your doctor first. Stop running if you haven’t been gaining enough weight, you feel nauseous while running or if you are showing clear signs of slowing down. In the last trimester, many runners dial it back to fast walking. Easy does it is always a good rule when pregnant but keep active.
Frequently asked questions about week 6 of pregnancy
What should you not do at 6 weeks pregnant?
At week 6 of pregnancy, it is important to avoid certain activities that may pose risks to the developing baby. These include smoking, consuming alcohol or drugs, taking certain medications without consulting your doctor, and exposing yourself to harmful chemicals or toxins. There are also a number of foods that you should avoid to reduce the harm to your growing baby. It's essential to prioritise a healthy lifestyle and talk to your healthcare professional for personalised advice.
Is there a heartbeat at 6 weeks?
Yes, amazingly by 6 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s heart has started to beat. Your baby's heart begins to form at around week 5, and by week 6 you may be able to see it beating on an ultrasound. However, it's important to note that the timing may vary slightly for each pregnancy.
Does your stomach feel hard at 6 weeks pregnant?
A pregnant belly at 6 weeks is likely to look very similar to what it looked like before getting pregnant. It's common for the stomach to not feel noticeably hard yet. The uterus is still small and tucked inside the pelvis. However, some women may experience bloating or mild abdominal discomfort. If you have concerns about your pregnancy, it's best to talk to your healthcare professional for personalised advice.
How big is my baby at 6 weeks?
At week 6 of pregnancy, your baby is measuring only a few millimetres, not too different to the size of a lentil.
- Pregnancy, birth and baby Website. Accessed at https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/pregnancy-at-week-6
- Raising children Website. Accessed at https://raisingchildren.net.au/pregnancy/week-by-week/first-trimester/6-weeks