Fertility FAQs
When Are You Most Fertile?
Fertility FAQs
You are most fertile when you ovulate. Ovulation is when your body releases an egg from your ovaries, in preparation to be fertilised by sperm. This happens about 2 weeks after the start of your last period, or around day 15 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles can vary, so keeping track of yours will help you identify this perfect ‘window’ of opportunity.
What is Fertility?
Fertility FAQs
Your fertility simply refers to your ability to become pregnant. The opposite being ‘infertility’ which is the inability to become pregnant.
What Foods Boost Male Fertility?
Fertility FAQs
A healthy balanced diet, full of fresh foods from all of the five important food groups will support a healthy body and give you the best chance of producing healthy sperm. Unfortunately diet alone is not responsible for a man’s fertility, many other factors come into play. If you are having difficulty conceiving, consult the expertise of a healthcare professional who can take a full medical history and identify potential reasons for this.