Pre-Pregnancy & Pregnancy Support
Supporting your wellbeing alongside your baby’s healthy growth & development throughout the crucial first 1,000 days of parenthood.
Empowering Parents Everywhere

We know firsthand that parenting can be more complicated and messy than we might have initially thought. With all the external and internal pressures we put on ourselves, navigating this space can be difficult. At Nestlé Baby & me, we strive to make a real difference by empowering parents everywhere to make the best decisions that are right for them. We offer expert-based nutrition information, personalised tools, and parenting support across the first 1,000 days and beyond.
Helping you keep track of complex things
Should I change my diet?
The answer to this will completely depend on what you're currently eating. Whether you’ve started trying for a baby, or are currently pregnant, most women need to make some small adjustments to their diet. During pregnancy, there’s no need to be “eating for two”, but you should be eating more of some foods, less of others, and avoiding some altogether (like raw foods - meat, seafood and eggs, soft cheeses and deli meats). It can all be a bit confusing, so we’ve pulled together tips for your fertility diet and foods you should be stocking up on during pregnancy. We’ve also got a range of delicious and healthy recipes to keep your energy up!
Should I be sharing parenting?
This will completely depend on your individual work situations, personalities, lifestyles, even family upbringing. Sharing parenting responsibilities can make parenthood a little easier and more enjoyable, though if you don’t feel like the split is 50-50, you’re not alone. There are some things you can do to help re-shift the balance and share the parenting load more equally. Remember that the load doesn’t only include physical things like household tasks and childcare duties, but the mental load of planning, organising and researching. Don’t forget to keep continuous, open lines of communication with your parenting partner. This should ideally start from pregnancy where you can discuss your ideal plan once your baby is born, and then keep adjusting this as yours and baby’s needs change. If you’re co-parenting it can sometimes be hard, but consistency and open communication is key.
Should I be feeling anxious?
It’s understandable if you’re feeling a little anxious at times, becoming a parent is a huge life-changing experience. Preparing for parenthood may help make the daunting task of looking after a newborn a little easier, especially for first time parents. Some things you can do to help you prepare for life with a newborn include slowing down the pace, setting yourself realistic expectations and starting to organise your support network. To help you cope with anxious feelings, don’t forget to set aside some “me-time” every day during your pregnancy (even if it’s just for a small walk) and keep connected to your friends and family. If you’ve been feeling anxious for some time or are worried about your health, please reach out to a healthcare professional for advice and support.
Should I have a birth plan?
Add “create a birth plan” to your list of important things to do before your baby is due. Having a clear birth plan which you’ve talked to your healthcare professional and birthing partner about can help your labour be as stress-free as possible. It gives your healthcare team on the day clear instructions on how you’d prefer your birth to go. A birth plan includes everything from how you want to give birth to what you want done with your placenta after birth, and should include some back-up options in case things don’t go to plan. Bring your birth plan to your pre-natal appointments, with any questions you might have so that you can discuss the plan with your obstetrician or midwife.