father and daughter playing with mother in the background

Mastering Equal Parenting

Mastering Equal Parenting

0-4 months
Dec 13, 2023
7 mins

Want to share child-raising more evenly with your partner? With teamwork, you can both make it happen! Follow our guide to equal parenting.

What is equal shared parental responsibility?

Equal shared parenting is the purposeful practice of two parents sharing evenly in the responsibilities of raising their children. This parenting style may include sharing domestic tasks, bearing the mental load together, earning money, and having time for themselves.

The practice of sharing parenting duties is becoming more common in many countries around the world. This is demonstrated with 62% of parents surveyed globally believing that dads are more active and engaged in childcare than previous generations.

Of course, it’s not only mums and dads who are sharing the parenting responsibilities. Changing family structures may also be contributing to an increase in sharing caregiver responsibilities, with more children growing up in a blended family or multi-generational family homes than before, as well as more same-sex parents raising children.


What are the benefits of shared parenting time?

If you are in a partnership, one of the biggest benefits of sharing parenting time has to be that you both get the same amount of special bonding moments with your children, watching them grow and develop every day. You also get equal opportunity to pursue your careers, with no one partner feeling like they carry the burden of having to provide financially for the family. In Chile for example, where more than half (52%) of mums and dads report sharing more equal parenting responsibilities and domestic tasks, the number of working mums is on the increase.

Shared parenting can also be great for your relationship. You may feel empowered by what you can achieve in your ‘dream team’ and less overwhelmed and lonely as a result. We found, in Spain, where 64% of parents agree that childcare responsibilities are equally shared in their household, only 20% say they felt lonely in the first months after birth—this is one of the lowest figures globally.


How to share parenting responsibilities?

Sharing parenting responsibilities is crucial for creating a balanced and harmonious family life. It not only lightens the load for both parents but also fosters a strong bond between you and your child. Effective communication, mutual understanding, and a willingness to collaborate are key to successfully sharing parenting duties. By dividing tasks, setting clear expectations, and supporting each other, parents can create a nurturing environment where both partners actively participate in the joys and challenges of raising children. 

Here are some of our tips for couples seeking to share parenting responsibilities and create a fulfilling parenting journey together: 

1. Practice a mindset of shared parental responsibility before baby is born

Our advice for new parents looking to share responsibilities equally? Put the idea of a “primary parent / caregiver” aside and start as an equal partnership before birth. Partners can read up on the same pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting books, attend prenatal appointments and classes together, shop for and source items for baby, and be involved in getting baby’s room ready. Not only will this bring you closer, but it will also mean you’re equally informed and sharing the mental load of parenting from the beginning.

2. Share childcare duties fairly in a way that works for your family

There are lots of ways to share parenting duties. How you choose to do it will depend on your individual work situations, personalities, lifestyles, even family upbringing. In an ideal world, you would both be sharing all childcare duties equally, but that may not be possible or desirable for you.

Other ways to approach the parenting style of equally shared parenting are:

  • splitting your time into shifts “on duty” e. g. one parent takes early mornings and the other takes mid-morning to lunchtime
  • each partner having allocated tasks e. g. it could be that one parent feeds and the other settles to sleep; or
  • playing to your individual strengths and priorities e. g. perhaps one parent packs the day-bag and the other organizes activities

Talk to your partner about how to support each other in more challenging periods, for example, when baby is sick. And don’t forget to allow for time when you’ll both be “on duty” and sharing parental responsibilities—and enjoying family time—together.

3. Make sure each of you get your share of baby bonding time

How ever you divide parenting and household duties, try to make sure you’re both equally hands-on with your baby and get plenty of good bonding time in. Lots of quality time with each parent will bring lots of emotional benefits to everyone and will make baby more comfortable with being cared for by both parents. It also means you both get to share equally in the joy and fun of parenting!

4. Tackle the mental load of parenting

One area where it’s easy to fall into stereotyped parenting roles is when it comes to the mental load of parenthood, which can often fall disproportionately to one parent. This includes all the hidden work—from planning the family calendar and researching things baby needs, to communicating with caregivers. It can take up a lot of time and mental space. This may result in an emotional burden where one parent becomes “the planner” in the partnership. So think beyond hands-on tasks and take the parental decision-making and behind-the-scenes effort into account too.

5. Accept that you'll have different approaches to parenting

While you both want to work from a shared parenting philosophy, you also need to accept that there will be differences in your approaches to parenting. “Maternal gatekeeping” or “paternal gatekeeping” happens when a parent finds it hard to relinquish responsibility. Try to let go of the idea of there being a “right” way of doing things and allow your partner time and space to attune to your child’s needs and figure things out for themselves as a parent. Constant correction or guidance may undermine their confidence and lead them to becoming more “hands-off” than they would like, while leading to parental burnout for you.

6. Keep communication open, and be flexible to change

Just as your baby develops, so too will your parenting evolve. That means your plan for equally shared parenting may need to change from time to time. What may work during the newborn days might not be the same once one or both of you go back to work, for example. There will be times when you may need to compromise on how equally you are able to share certain tasks. Be open and honest with each other about your individual needs and concerns. Ask for help when you need it. Keep a shared family calendar so you both know what’s going on with your child’s schedule.

7. Communicate your shared parenting approach with your support network

Let friends, family, and any additional caregivers know that you’re sharing childcare duties and so are both go-to contacts when it comes to queries about your child, whether that’s what your baby might like as a gift or whether they have any allergies to foods. You could try setting up a joint email address or messaging group for baby and parenting-related communications.

Make getting to know other parents a joint effort too, through parenting groups, regular activities, or chatting to parents of other children at daycare. When it comes to equally shared parenting, consistency is your friend. It might take a little while to get into the rhythm, but soon it will seem like second nature to you, baby, and everyone else!


What’s next for shared parenting?

Despite more families sharing the parenting load, less than half (49%) of parents globally report that childcare responsibilities are equally split. There is also a consensus that mums bear the brunt of the parenting challenges—meaning there is still room for improvement.

Feeling like there are some imbalances in your parenting partnership? Read our first-time parent tips.

If you’ve separated from your partner or you’re bringing up your child outside of a traditional parenting arrangement, check out our guide on how to successfully manage co-parenting.


The Parenting Index, First Edition 2021, theparentingindex.com
Last revised: June 2022

Triple P Parenting 




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