Nappy Changing Tips
No one is an instant expert at nappy changing - don’t worry there is plenty of opportunity to practice. Your baby may lie still, wiggle, kick and scream or do all three. The most important thing is to take note of the amount of wet and dirty nappies.
Regardless of how you change a nappy, the most important thing to pay attention to when changing nappies is that your baby is:
- Having around six wet nappies;
- Having a bowel motion once a day; or every second day; and sometimes may go for several days between bowel motions. This is quite normal and does vary among babies.
- Safe, never leave them unattended on a change table.
Why is regularly changing nappies important?
Changing nappies is important for the comfort of your newborn and for protecting their delicate skin. Regularly changing your baby’s nappy helps in avoiding nappy rash, which is extremely uncomfortable for your little one.
How often should you change a newborn’s nappy?
Young children who are still in nappies should generally have their nappies changed about every 3 hours, or more frequently if they are soiled. This will differ for every baby, and as your child gets older you will find the time between changes extends as they can hold more fluid in their bladder for longer. It's important to check for signs of discomfort or wetness and change the nappy promptly to maintain good hygiene and prevent nappy rash. Additionally, changing the nappy before naptime and bedtime is essential to ensure the child's comfort and support uninterrupted sleep.
What do I need to set up my nappy changing station?
Before your baby arrives, it’s important to have all the equipment needed for changing nappies, particularly because of how frequent newborns need their nappies changed.
Here is a list of nappy changing ‘essentials’ and ‘nice to haves’ to help ensure a smooth and hygienic nappy changing experience for both you and bub:

Additionally, when setting up your changing station, plan for lots of storage options to keep all your changing equipment easily accessible and tidy. Having good ventilation in this area is another important consideration. For tips on planning nappy changing on-the-go, check out our article Nappy Bag Essential Checklist for New Parents.
Newborn nappy changing steps & tips
Changing a newborn baby’s nappy will take trial and error, and parents should try to tag team and work together to make the job a little easier. Here are some tips to follow to make nappy changing easier:
Changing surface: The floor or a table or bench at elbow height is a good place for changing a nappy – there is less bending, crouching, and kneeling. Never leave your baby unattended on a change table. The floor is always a good option as your baby can never fall off.
Keep a hand on the baby: Never turn your back on your baby when on the changing table. Keep one hand touching their body at all times – it will make both of you feel more secure.
Be prepared: Organise your baby’s clean nappy, waste disposable bag or bucket, wipes, and creams within easy reach.
Adjust the nappy for newborns: Until your baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off, buy nappies with the cord area cut out or fold down the top of the nappy to leave area open to the air.
Consider using a washcloth: For the first few months your baby’s skin may be sensitive to the chemicals and fragrances in pre-packaged wipes. For newborn nappy changing use a warm, clean, soft washcloth with water to gently wipe your baby’s bottom and leave the pre-packed wipes for outings only.
Clean thoroughly: Wiping your baby’s genital area and bottom clean helps prevent nappy rash and keeps them smelling baby-fresh. When wiping, always wipe from front to back, which helps reduce the chance of bacterial contamination.
With boys, watch out: To avoid being splashed if your baby boy starts to wee while you’re changing a nappy, place a soft cloth over the penis until you can get the nappy positioned correctly.
With girls, be gentle: When changing little girls wipe downward.
Disposable nappies: Go for a snug fit. Flatten out the elasticised sides before fastening. When fastening a disposable nappy, make sure it’s not too tight – you don’t want to constrict your baby’s tummy but left too loose, even the most elasticised disposable will leak.
- Cloth nappies: Secure the nappy with safety pins or a plastic nappy fastener. As a nappy changing tip to prevent a pin from sticking your baby, keep your fingers between the pin and your baby’s skin—better that you get stuck than your baby. Always check the pin to make sure it’s secure. Add protective plastic, nylon pants, or a nappy cover for added waterproofing.
Nappy changing is a process that every parent needs to learn, it’s an inevitable chore in every parent’s life – enjoy the process.
Cloth nappies vs disposable – which is better for nappy changing?
One of the first decisions you’ll make in caring for your baby will be what kind of nappy to use. You have two choices – disposable or cloth. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Outlined below are some of the features to consider when making your choice.
Material types: Disposable nappies are made of man-made materials and must be disposed of after use while cloth nappies come in woven cotton, terry cloth, or flannel and can be bought unfolded or pre-folded in different thicknesses and designs.
Size types: Disposable nappies come in different sizes based on your baby’s weight and age. Cloth nappies can also come in different sizes.
How they stay on: Disposable nappies are fastened with tape or fasteners strips attached to the back panel that fasten in the front. Traditional cloth nappies are fastened with safety pins or nappy fasteners and require plastic over pants for wetness protection. There is no need for covers or pins on many designer cloth nappies – many have fasteners or press stud fasteners with built-in wetness protective outer layers.
Cleaning and disposal: After changing a nappy all solid waste is disposed of in the toilet for either nappy. Wet disposable nappies are folded in on themselves and disposed of in the bin. Cloth nappies require soaking and laundering. Flushable liners are available for inserting in cloth nappies – making cleaning up a little easier.
Day care use: Most day care centres require disposable nappies because they are more convenient to use and easier and more hygienic to dispose of. Discuss the option of using cloth nappies at your day care centre. In-home care providers may be more agreeable than centres to using cloth.
Nappy rash prevention: Disposable nappies have an inner liner to keep wetness away from the skin. This keeps baby’s bottom drier and less susceptible to irritation. Many cloth nappies have stay-dry liners similar to disposables which help prevent nappy rash.
Travel convenience: Soiled disposable nappies can be thrown away after nappy changing in appropriate waste bins. Soiled cloth nappies can be placed in re-sealable plastic bags and laundered when convenient.
Price: Using disposable nappies may appear more expensive than laundering cloth nappies at home. Cloth nappies that you launder yourself are often the least expensive choice. Look around as there are many types of cloth nappies available.
- Environmental considerations: There are environmental pros and cons on both sides of the nappy debate. Self-laundering and nappy services use water and electricity. Disposable nappies add to the long term problem of non-decomposing garbage that is deposited in our landfills.
When it comes to nappy changing options, take your time to make the right decision for your baby both for now and in the future. And remember, you can always change your mind!
Nappy changing tips for girls
A baby girl’s vaginal area is delicate and does not need to be wiped deep into the inner vaginal folds.
Gently hold the vaginal folds apart and wipe downwards with a soft nappy liner or cotton wool ball soaked in warm water. Treated cleansing wipes are unnecessary and can often aggravate the delicate skin and mucosa.
Changing nappies every three to four hours around feed time. This will avoid urine burning delicate skin from being in contact too long.
Always wipe the vaginal area in a downward direction to avoid urinary infections from faecal contamination wiped into the short urethra.
Some baby girls will have a pseudo-menstruation which is a small blood streaked mucous discharge from the vagina during the first six weeks. This is normal and needs wiping away at nappy changing time.
Nappy changing tips for boys
When wiping baby boys, gently lift up the scrotum, then wipe.
Baby boys, who are not circumcised, do not need to have the foreskin at the tip of the penis pulled back to clean. A bath every few days or ‘top and tail’ wash daily will keep this area clean. Boys will start playing with themselves and pulling back the foreskin at approximately 12 months of age. This is a normal part of discovering themselves.
As your baby boy gets older encourage the importance of gently pulling back the foreskin to prevent a wild spray while toileting and for general hygiene.
What is nappy rash?
Leaving a nappy on your baby for long periods of time is a common cause of nappy rash but not the only cause. Some babies get nappy rash no matter how well they are cared for, while others do not get nappy rash at all. Your baby may get nappy rash when they have a cold; when they are teething; when they are suffering from illnesses; or as a result of food intolerance. Signs of nappy rash include:
- Inflamed skin: the skin around the genital area and anus looks red and moist;
- Blistering: the skin may blister and peel, leaving raw patches that can develop into ulcers;
- Spreading: the rash can spread onto the tummy and further onto the buttocks;
- Ulcers: small ulcers can sometimes form on healthy skin near the area of the rash.
A secondary bacterial or fungal infection is a complication that can occur with nappy rash that spreads or fails to heal by airing, bathing and applying barrier creams or ointments. Damaged skin is often uncomfortable, itchy or sore. When your baby has nappy rash they may have unsettled sleep due to pain and irritation.
Causes of nappy rash
The causes of nappy rash can vary, but they often stem from factors such as moisture, friction, irritants, and infections that affect a baby's sensitive skin. Some of the common causes of nappy rash include:
- Infrequent nappy changing;
- Chemicals in urine become ammonia and burn the skin when in direct contact for too long;
- Thrush (Candida) – grows in a warm, moist environment. This type of nappy rash spreads in red patches and does not go away with barrier creams;
- Chemicals in nappy soaking solutions, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, cleansing wipes, scented soaps and lotions and certain brands of disposable nappies can irritate baby’s skin;
- Plastic pants that cover cloth nappies keep your baby’s clothes clean and dry, but most prevent airflow. Clothes do not get wet and your baby is often left in a wet or dirty nappy for long periods. The skin remains wet and urine burns. The area becomes warm leaving it susceptible to thrush;
- Rough nappies, sand or dirt can rub and chafe baby’s sensitive skin;
- When your baby has frequent diarrhoea;
- If your baby has lots of soiled nappies;
- Other conditions such as eczema may make nappy rash worse
Nappy changing and other treatments of nappy rash
While the cause of nappy rash can be varied, here are some treatment options that you may find helpful and effective for your situation:
• Frequent nappy changes - Regularly changing nappies is one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent nappy rash. Keeping the skin dry and clean reduces the exposure to moisture and irritants that can cause rashes. Changing a nappy as soon as they are soiled or wet is important, and consider using super-absorbent nappies to help wick away moisture.
• Gentle cleansing - When cleaning the nappy area, use warm water and a soft cloth or cotton wool instead of store bought wipes that contain fragrances or alcohol. This gentle approach minimises irritation and allows the skin to heal. Pat the area dry gently, as rubbing can make the rash worse.
• Barrier creams and ointments - An important nappy changing step is to apply a thick layer of barrier cream or ointment containing zinc to protect the skin from moisture and irritants. These products create a protective barrier that helps to soothe the skin and promote healing. Look for formulations that are free from fragrances and additives to avoid further irritation.
• Air exposure - Allowing your baby some time without a nappy can significantly aid in the healing process. Air exposure helps to dry out the affected area and reduces moisture buildup, which can worsen the rash. Lay your baby on a waterproof mat or towel for short periods, ensuring they are supervised to prevent any accidents.
• Gentle baby wash – When bathing your little one, use gentle baby wash or just water. Avoid using bubble baths or strong scented washes. Ensure the bathwater is warm, but not hot, and limit bath time to avoid drying out the skin.
• Prescription creams - In some cases, a mild steroid cream may be recommended by a healthcare professional to reduce inflammation and itching. This treatment should only be used for a short duration and under medical guidance, as prolonged use can lead to skin thinning. Always consult with a doctor before applying any steroid creams to ensure it is appropriate for your baby's condition.
If nappy rash persists or worsens despite regular nappy changing and home treatments, seek advice from a healthcare professional. They can assess the rash to determine if it is caused by a fungal infection or another underlying issue that may require specific treatment. Early intervention can prevent complications and ensure your baby receives the appropriate care.
Frequently asked questions about nappy changing
How to change a nappy
To change a nappy, gather your supplies: clean nappy, wipes, and a barrier cream. Lay your baby on a safe surface. Unfasten the dirty nappy, gently clean the area with wipes, and dispose of the old nappy. Place the clean nappy under your baby, secure it snugly, and dress them comfortably.
How often should you change a newborns nappy?
Newborn nappy changing will typically occur about every 3 hours or as needed, usually resulting in about 8 changes over the day. It's important to check their nappy frequently, especially after feeding, to ensure your little one stays comfortable and to prevent nappy rash.
When to stop changing nappies at night.
Changing a nappy during the night can stop as soon as your baby is sleeping through the night. Sleeping through the night is a big milestone and will happen at different ages depending on the individual child’s needs and habits. Sleeping for longer stretches over the night can start anywhere between 6 months to 1 year of age. If your baby is consistently staying dry overnight and is comfortable, it may be appropriate to stop. Always monitor for signs of discomfort or nappy rash.
How many hours between nappy changes?
Babies generally need nappy changing about every 3 hours. However, it is essential to check their nappy regularly, as some babies may require more frequent changes, especially after feeding or if they have a bowel movement. Always prioritise your baby's comfort and hygiene.
Do you change a nappy before or after feeding?
It is generally recommended to change a nappy before feeding, especially if the nappy is soiled or wet. This helps ensure the baby is comfortable during feeding. However, if your baby has a bowel movement during or after feeding, you should change the nappy afterward to maintain hygiene and comfort.
• Health Direct Website. Accessed at https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/nappy-rash
• Raising Children Website. Accessed at: https://raisingchildren.net.au/newborns/health-daily-care/poos-wees-nappies/changing-a-nappy
• National Health & Medical Research Centre Website. Accessed at: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/attachments/Changing-a-nappy-without-spreading-germs-poster-A4.pdf