Product CERELAC Infant Cereals
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Nestlé CERELAC Multigrain with Banana & Apple Infant Cereal – 200g

Nestlé CERELAC Multigrain with Banana & Apple is made with 8 grains (Oats, Wheat, Corn, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Rice & Triticale) and two fruits introducing your baby to exciting new tastes and textures.​ When prepared it has a fine texture, ideal for babies from 6 months. CERELAC also contains Bifidus BL, a probiotic similar to those found in the digestive system of breastfed babies, and is rich in iron, contributing on average 65% of the RDI* per serve.


*Recommended dietary intake for infants 6-12 months


How to Prepare CERELAC Multigrain Banana & Apple: Video Instructions